AGG SMART Driver App Instructions

AGG SMART Driver App Instructions

Below are instructions for using the AGG SMART Driver app on an Android Phone

These instructions can be downloaded as a PDF to print out in cab here.

Log into Tablet

Log into the AGG SMART app with your driver PIN. And then select the vehicle you will be operating.


New Order Received

New orders will appear in the job list (in time order). It is important that you start the order before you drive to the delivery location.

1/ Order Status – The status of this order. Not a button.


2/ Call button to call the customer. It will call the site contact number on the order.


3/ Start Job – Click this when you are read to begin the job. This can be clicked before loading.

4/ Job List – A list of all your current jobs

5/ Active Job – The job you are currently on.

6/ Operations Messages – A two way text messaging service from the office to the truck. Messages sent from the office will be read out on the tablet and will also appear in this section. You can reply to messages in here and delete them.

7/ Settings – Click here to “Log Out” of the tablet. You must log out at the end of your shift. You can also log out and log back in again if you are changing vehicles.


1/ This is the order workflow. This progresses one way from start to end as you click the button at the bottom of the page.

“Navigating” > “Arrived at destination” > “Delivering” > “Finished”

2/ The map window will show you where you are (truck icon) and where the delivery is (house icon). If you are returning to depot, it will also show you the depot location (factory icon). You can zoom the map to get an idea of the navigation.

3/ Clicking “Cust” will start navigation to the customer. Clicking the depot name will start navigation to the depot.

Clicking either navigation buttons will open your navigation app and set the destination. As standard, this is Google Maps Navigation (car routes), but there is a dedicated truck routing app you can use (Sygic Truck).

Start the navigation and when you arrive, click the back arrow in the bottom task bar to get back to AGG SMART. 

Each step is progressed by clicking “Next” at the bottom of the page. And as each step is timestamped it is important to progress these steps at the correct time.

If you arrive on site early, do not progress to “Arrived on Site”. Only do this once you want your time on site to be stamped (and waiting time calculations to start).

Arrived - Off road signature screen

This is the “Arrived” workflow screen (#1). This is to be signed by the customer (or site foreman) BEFORE you attempt to bring the vehicle off road. The signee’s name is typed in at the bottom of the screen, or you can click the “GET” button to get the site contact from AGG SMART (#5). But, to be legally binding, this name must be entered and match the signee (#4).

You can also take an on-site photo (#3) for proof of delivery or to prove you have left the site in the same condition you found it.

The “Order” text will provide information on the order. If a credit card has been pre-authorised, you will be shown how much concrete you can deliver before the pre-auth amount is reached. If you reach the pre-auth amount, then the customer should call the office for a 2nd pre-auth before delivery re-commences.

If the customer requests additional water at this point, the “Additional Water” box can be filled in. Click the #2 button and enter 1 against “Extra Water Requested” 

The customer signs on the glass to accept the terms. Once signed, click “Next Delivering”.


You can now progress to delivering the concrete.

Once delivery is complete, click “Next Finished” to move the workflow to the delivery complete stage.

Finished - Final Signature Screen

On the final signature screen you are entering in what you individually have delivered into the “Delivered” box on the left side of the screen (#1).

When you enter the amount you have delivered, the “Total Del(ivered)” and the “Total Price” should automatically calculate and be filled in. If not, press the calculate button (#3)

If you are the last delivery of a multiple load job, then the “Total Del” will show the accumulation of all deliveries. It will also show a full price breakdown (if it is a cash customer).

If you are not the last delivery on site for this job, you can just get the customer signature (enter BSI details #4 and print off an optional receipt #6) and click “Complete Delivery” to finish the order.

If the price details on the order need amending, they can be amended from the office and you can then press “CALCULATE” again to bring the new details down. And if you need to add any additional amount, you can enter this in the “ADDITIONAL” field and press “CALCUALTE” again.

If you are in a poor mobile signal area, then pressing “CALCULATE” might bring up the message “Please contact office”. If this happens, moving to a different area on the site (or out of any metal portacabins) usually helps. You can try pressing “CALCULATE” more than once to see if it gets a signal (but wait 10s between presses).

If it still cannot get a signal, you will need to call the office to get a total of the amount delivered and a total price. This then needs to be entered manually on the right column on the device (#2).

“Total Del(ivered)” is the sum of all the deliveries in the order. This will always be the same as “Delivered” for single delivery jobs.

You can optionally take another off-site photo to prove you have left the site in the same condition you found it (#5).

BSI Batch Screen

If you want to record batch settings, click the “BSI” button and enter the values. Some values may already be pre-filled for you.

Clicking a box will open the virtual keyboard. To close the keyboard, click the little arrow pointing down in the bottom bar.

Close the “BSI” box by clicking “Save and Return” and ask the customer to read the terms and sign the screen.

Then you can click the “PRINT” button to print off a receipt on a Bluetooth printer (if required). The printer will need to be turned on at this time. If it is off, you may need to wait 30 seconds while it connects.

You can then complete the order by clicking “Complete Delivery” and confirming. The order will be automatically completed and deleted.

Then return to the “Job list” and await the next job.


At the end of your shift, please make sure you click the “Settings” button and then click “Log Out”.



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