Finished - Final Signature ScreenOn the final signature screen you are entering in what you individually have delivered into the “Delivered” box on the left side of the screen (#1). When you enter the amount you have delivered, the “Total Del(ivered)” and the “Total Price” should automatically calculate and be filled in. If not, press the calculate button (#3) If you are the last delivery of a multiple load job, then the “Total Del” will show the accumulation of all deliveries. It will also show a full price breakdown (if it is a cash customer). If you are not the last delivery on site for this job, you can just get the customer signature (enter BSI details #4 and print off an optional receipt #6) and click “Complete Delivery” to finish the order. If the price details on the order need amending, they can be amended from the office and you can then press “CALCULATE” again to bring the new details down. And if you need to add any additional amount, you can enter this in the “ADDITIONAL” field and press “CALCUALTE” again. If you are in a poor mobile signal area, then pressing “CALCULATE” might bring up the message “Please contact office”. If this happens, moving to a different area on the site (or out of any metal portacabins) usually helps. You can try pressing “CALCULATE” more than once to see if it gets a signal (but wait 10s between presses). If it still cannot get a signal, you will need to call the office to get a total of the amount delivered and a total price. This then needs to be entered manually on the right column on the device (#2). “Total Del(ivered)” is the sum of all the deliveries in the order. This will always be the same as “Delivered” for single delivery jobs. You can optionally take another off-site photo to prove you have left the site in the same condition you found it (#5). |