Driver Efficiency Report

Driver Efficiency Report

This report is based on a calculated “ideal” time on site verses the actual time on site and worked out as an efficiency %.

The ideal time on site is based on 5 minutes per cube, but adjusted by 3 if a barrow job and 1.75 if a dumper job (ie. barrow 15/m3, dumper 8.75/m3) as these jobs typically take longer.

Obviously, the accuracy of this report is based on the drivers using the tablets to timestamp arrived and completed times correctly. To overcome driver error, any jobs that are less than 4 minutes on site are omitted form the report.

The report shown graphically on the Reports section of AGG SMART. The 100% line is considered the ideal norm (anything over is good, anything under is not so good). You can add or remove a driver from the graphical report by clicking their name on the right.

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