Installing the AGG SMART Driver App

Installing the AGG SMART Driver App

Go to the Google Play Store (Android) or App Store (iPhone) and search for "AGG NAV". Select and install the AGG NAV app.

The app should start downloading. Once downloaded click "Open". You may get a security warning. If so, open Settings and select the option to "Allow from this source", then click the back button and select "Install". Then select "Open"

Allow all permissions.

Sign into the app with your office username and password. This is the username and password you use to get into the office system. This only needs to be done once.

Alternatively, you can log in with the universal app username and passwords which is found at the bottom of the "Manage Users" tab on the office system.

Then you can log in with your driver PIN and select an available truck. Again, accept all permissions and allow tracking 

"All the time"

The first time you install the app, it will reset at this point and you will need to log in again with the driver PIN and select the truck.


In Android 10 and 11, there are additional measures to save battery and data which can stop the AGG SMART app from tracking. These need to be turned OFF for the AGG NAV app.

Go to "Settings" > "Apps" > "AGG NAV"

Click on "Battery" and make sure "Optimise battery usage" is "Not optimised"

Then go back to the app settings and select "Mobile Data". Then make sure "Allow background data usage" is selected. And "Allow app while Data saver on" is selected.

Finally, go back to the app settings and click on "Permissions". Make sure nothing is "Denied" and that "Location" is "Allow all the time".

Please ask all drivers to log in at the start of their shift / day and make sure they log out of the app at the end of the shift / day. This can be done on the "Driver" page on the app.

More information on Android putting apps to sleep can be found here:

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