Merge Customers / Move Jobs

Merge Customers / Move Jobs

Merge Customers

On AGG SMART, you should always search for a customer first by the last few digits of their caller ID. Then if that returns a blank, then search by customer surname or company name.

Sometimes, a customer may be created twice by accident and by the time you realise, both instances have a few completed jobs against them.

So, AGG SMART has the facility to take the jobs from one customer and move them to another customer (and deletes the first customer). Essentially merging the customers.

This is done by using the "Move Jobs" button in the "Admin" section of the downloads area.

You will need to reference the customer ID for both customers (an example is displayed at 3 & 4 below).

Move Jobs

Sometimes a builder will book on the job on their account, but then the end customer is the one that is paying. 

So, AGG SMART has the facility to move a job from one customer to another so the job can be invoiced and paid against the new customer.

You will need to create the new customer and then reference their customer ID. And also reference the order number of the job you want to move.

Clicking "Move Job" will take the job and all deliveries and move it to the new customer for invoicing and payment.

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