New Features

New Features

Below are a list of recent new features that have been added to AGG SMART. Some may be already active on your account and some may need enabling. If you want to know any more about a feature mentioned below, please send a request through our support portal.

Shift Click Move Multiple Jobs
If you have a scenario where you have some completed and uncompleted jobs on a day and you want to move the uncompleted ones to another day. You can now hold the SHIFT button and select multiple jobs by clicking them. The border will go green to show you which ones are selected.
You can then select the date to move the jobs to via the green dropdown at the top of the shipping page.
Only jobs that are not yet sent to the truck can be moved.

Quote Invoice Colour Tags
You can tag quotes with a colour (just like you can with jobs on the shipping calendar). The colour you choose and the reason for the tag is entirely up to you.
Tick the boxes next to the quotes/invoices you want to tag (1). From the top green dropdown, select the colour you want to tag (2). The background of the central column will be tagged with the colour selected (3).
If you want to sort the quotes by tagged colours, just click the sort arrow at the top of the column.

Debtor List

You can do a search for custom words to filter the results. Hover over the   icon in the search button to find the words you can search for.
  1. Search blank space to return all customers " ".
  2. Search ACCOUNT to return account customers.
  3. Search CASH to return cash customers.
  4. Search PROJECT to return project customers.
  5. Search STOP to return all customers on stop.
  6. Search DEBT to return all aged debtors.
  7. Search PO:# to search for customer purchase order numbers (where # is the number to search).
In the example below, the search is for DEBT and it returns a list of the debtors who are 70% of the way to their limit. In the "Balance" column it will show you the % of how close the customer is to their limit (3).

Truck Progress Icons
You may have seen new icons next to the job status indicator. This now shows you more detailed information on the job while "In Progress".
  1. When you send a job to the truck "Via Depot", you will see a circular arrow icon next to the status.
  2. When you send a job to the truck "Direct", you will see a single arrow pointing up
  3. When a "Via Depot" job is started, the icon will change to a down arrow. This shows the truck is en-route to the depot
  4. When sent "Direct" or the truck has left the depot, the icon will change to an up arrow. This shows the truck is en route to the customer.
  5. Under each truck on the side bar, there is a progress bar. This shows the last 10 mile progress. So, as the truck is nearing its destination, the bar moves along the screen. The bar is green when heading to the customer and orange when heading to the depot.

Multiple VAT Levels

AGG SMART now has multiple VAT levels for orders.

Enhanced Project Pricing

Project prices can now be made up including Admixes. You can also print or email the project price list directly to the customer email address.

Repeat Process Credit/Debit Card

AGG SMART (with SagePay) now has the facility to repeat process a previous card without having to enter all the details again. Ideal for that top-up payment or if a customer asks to just charge the same card as before for repeat orders.

Top-up after cancelling card

You can now complete a 2nd pre-auth or top-up against a cancelled payment. For example, if the customer pre-auth's on one card, then wants to pay on another, you can cancel the original pre-auth, then top up using the new card.

Customer Type-ahead

In the customer search bar, start typing any part of the customer company or name and AGG SMART will show suggestions. Makes it easier to find a company even if you cannot remember the exact name or spelling.

Option to select Volumetric / Drum as part of quote

AGG SMART has the option to toggle a switch to select Volumetric or Drum at the point of quote. This is a feature to enable you to tag a delivery type so you can make sure that jobs quoted on a drum don't accidentally go out on a volumetric. You can also then report on jobs that have been quoted on one and delivered on the other to make sure you are optimising your fleet and pricing effectively.

Duplicate a job directly from the shipping page

AGG SMART now has the ability to duplicate a job directly from the shipping page. This will not only duplicate the quote, but also the jobs to another day. For example, if you have 5 deliveries for a client today, and you are doing the same again, one click will get the jobs copied over to the new date.

Minimum Charge

If you enforce a minimum charge for an order, the drivers tablet can automatically bring up a notification which shows the minimum charge and how much to add to bring the price up to the minimum.

TomTom Tacho Integration

If your TomTom units are integrated into the vehicles digital tacho, AGG SMART can show when the drivers breaks have been and when the next break is due. This helps with planning deliveries around break times.

Move Jobs

AGG SMART has the facility to move jobs between customers. For example, if a builder initially calls to book the job, then the customer pays, you can set up the customer and then move the job over to that customer for invoicing.

Merge Customers

AGG SMART has the facility to merge customers. If a customer is accidentally created twice and a few jobs are down against both customers, you can merge the customers into one customer and all the jobs will still be against that customer.

Manage Users

We can set up a master account to be able to manage all user accounts. This means accounts can be turned on and off and the passwords can be reset at any time.

Material Usage and Costings

AGG SMART has the facility to manage material usage. You can also put in the costings of your materials and you can then report on material usage and cost for each job, or by each truck.

Account Credit Limits / Account Balance

AGG SMART has the facility to upload credit limits and account balances from your accounts software. It will then show the balance against each customer being quoted so there is no danger of going over limit. The system will also put an account on STOP if it is on STOP in the accounts package.

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