Using Quick Quote

Using Quick Quote

The best way to add a new customer to AGG SMART is when they call in to place an order. Simply click on Quick Quote (1) to bring out the New Quote panel (2) from the right hand side of the screen.

The top section asks you to fill in information about the customer that will be saved to AGG SMART as a new customer. That is unless the phone number entered matches an existing customer in your system. If you need to add a separate customer with the same phone number, type one digit incorrectly, and then go back and edit it afterwards. 

The address that you enter here will be saved as the main address for the new customer record, as well as the site for the quote. If you'd like to save it as one of the customer's multiple sites, with more to be added later, click on the Sites button (1), enter a name for the site, and click Update (2).

Once a location has been entered, click on Check Location (1) to bring up the map. Place the pin on the entrance of the site, choose the appropriate depot from the options at the top of the screen (2), and click Set Location (3). You will not be able to complete the quote without doing this.

The middle section allows you to enter information about the order being taken. First, choose the Type of order being quoted. The box next to this will change depending on what you select for Type, allowing you to specify exactly what is being quoted. You can then enter the quantity in m³, any supplementary items with Add, and finally the Slump.

If the customer does not know exactly how much product they need to order but do know the dimensions that they need it to fill, you can use the AGG SMART calculator. Click on the Calculator icon (1), enter the values (2), adjusting the units of measurement (3) as needed, and AGG SMART will Calculate (4) how much concrete is required in m³. Write this into the quote by clicking on the Set button (5).

In the next section, you can specify what the product will be used for with the Application? option, as well as the delivery method from the Method? drop-down list. You can also set the Wait Time, how long the truck can be on site before the customer begins being charged for overrun, any Extras added to the order, and the Pay Type. Any Extras that are set will be listed above this section of the quote pane on the right hand side.

If Pump is selected, an additional option called Pump Info (1) will appear, and bring up a box to fill in additional information about the pump. You can set the type of pump to be used, whether the pump is to be operated by yourselves or a third party, the wait time for the pump, how long the line needs to be, and the price for the job. The Calculate button will total the cost for the pump based on what you have entered.

So long as you have set the location correctly, you will be able to click on the /unit button and select the unit price to charge the customer. Depending on the product chosen, there may be multiple prices to choose from. If you would like to add or change the prices that appear, contact our support team. If you would like to charge this particular customer more or less than the listed rates, we recommend using the Adjustment option under Add (1) as manually typing a new price per m³ will override any calculations that AGG SMART will make for you. Set the Adjustment to Yes (2), enter a positive value to add to the price or a negative value to discount from it (3), then click Update (4).

AGG SMART will calculate the total charge based on everything that you have entered above. If you need to charge a different rate of VAT, you can do so by clicking on the VAT drop down. If you need VAT rates adding, please contact our support team. 

We recommend clicking on the Calendar button (1), rather than the calendar icon, in order to book a slot for this job. You can use the pop out calendar to view the jobs that are already booked in and select the best time and truck for the job. Additionally, any volumetric deliveries that are nearby to the job you are adding and could potentially be done in the same trip are highlighted in green (2). Click on a slot in the calendar to place the job (3), this will not create or schedule the job in your calendar, it merely sets the quote to this time and truck, ready for when you have finished the quote. Close the Calendar window to set the date and time (4).

If the site contact is not the same person as the one making the order, you can enter their details in the lower section of the quote pane. To save the contact entered for future use, click the Save button so that it is highlighted green. Also, if the site contact would like to receive SMS and email updates on the order, highlight Send in a similar fashion.

If you know the purchase order reference number, you can enter it here. When adding a new customer, AGG SMART will ask you to select their Referrer from a drop-down list. You can also fill in what type of business the customer runs using the Customer Type drop-down, and tick the box on the right if they consent to receive marketing information from you.

The Quote Notes field can be used to add special instructions for AGG SMART in relation to the quote. Click on the i (1) for more information, and contact the support team if you have any questions. The Driver Notes will appear on the app when the job is sent to the truck.

When your quote is finished, and everything you require is in place, click on Add New Quote.

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