AGG SMART Help | what3words


what3words divided the world into 3 metre squares and gave each square a unique combination of three words. It’s the easiest way to find and share exact locations. You can search for delivery locations on AGG SMART using what3words. Please contact us if you would like this enabling.
Once enabled, you will be able to search for a customer address by the unique 3 words. The way to do this is:

  1. Select the "Sites" tab next to the customer address box
  2. Select "TBA" as the address
  3. Open the check location and enter the what3words code into the "Search" field with each word separated by a dot (eg. venue.leaves.tubes)
  4. Click search and it will update the location to the what3words location
  5. Then click "Copy" to copy the location address back into the customer address (replacing TBA)
  6. Click "Set Location" and the marker location will be set.

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