Invoicing / Accounts
Opayo / Sagepay AVS/CV2
Some of our customers are finding that some card payments through AGG SMART are being declined (when they should be accepted). This is due to banks implementing stricter security procedures. These procedures require the AVS/CV2 checking to be on in ...
Print/Send an Old Invoice
Should you need to find an invoice for a past job and re-print or send it, you can do so by following the below steps. Navigate to the customer in question and locate the job that you would like to print or send the invoice for. Tick this row using ...
Importing Invoices into Quickbooks
Please see below some instructions for importing into Quickbooks. First of all we need to update the settings to AGG SMART can provide the invoice number, that is done by selecting “Custom Transaction Numbers” in the settings. Then on AGG SMART do a ...
Default Account Terms
By default, payment terms on AGG SMART are "Pay on Receipt" (ie. delivery date) for non-account customers (Cash). And "30 days" from invoice date for Account customers. You can enter the following code into the customer notes field to adjust the ...
Quote / Invoice Colour Tags
You can tag quotes with a colour (just like you can with jobs on the shipping calendar). The colour you choose and the reason for the tag is entirely up to you. Tick the boxes next to the quotes/invoices you want to tag (1). From the top green ...
Search Debtor, Account, On Stop, PO Numbers
You can do a search for custom words to filter the results. Hover over the i icon in the search button to find the words you can search for. Search blank space to return all customers " ". Search ACCOUNT to return account customers. Search CASH to ...
Mark Invoice as Sent
If you are printing and posting invoices as well as emailing them out, we have a facility to mark an invoice as sent (just the same as if it was emailed out). A handy way to keep track of who you have sent invoices to, whether it be email or snail ...
Invoice Sent / Read Indicator
If you are ever in doubt about what the different text and background colours mean on AGG SMART, hover over the i icon (1). A green background on the invoice number shows that the invoice has been emailed (2). If the customer has an email address, an ...
Checking Completed Jobs
At the end of each day we would always advise the checking of completed jobs. This makes sure that all data has been fed back from the trucks correctly and the invoice totals are correct before sending out the invoices. The steps for checking all ...
Invoice Number Column
YELLOW background Quote Emailed GREEN background Invoice Emailed GREEN number Invoice Imported GREEN number (with green border) Invoice Imported (and confirmed in accounts package)
Payment Column
GREEN backbround = Invoice Paid RED backbround = Pre-auth over 20 days old. Near to expiration or expired. YELLOW box = Card Pre Authed GREEN box = Card Captured In your payment providers CMS, the payment reference will be the order number. If there ...
Check Column
The check button allows you to edit a job after it has been completed. You can change all parts of the delivery (eg. quantity, time on site, extras, price per unit, etc). This allows you to amend the order before you send out an invoice or import ...
Xero Credit Limits
AGG SMART can show customer credit limits when booking in a job. Xero does not output the credit limit through its API, so we need a work around. So, if you update the customer's Xero Network Key with the credit limit, then AGG SMART will use that as ...
Connect Xero Accounts to AGG SMART
You can connect Xero Accounts. This will enable AGG SMART to mark jobs paid on AGG SMART when you receive payment in Xero. It will also bring customer credit limits and account balances across from Xero to AGG SMART so you can see a customers ...
Connect Quickbooks to AGG SMART
You can connect Quickbooks Accounts. This will enable AGG SMART to mark jobs paid on AGG SMART when you receive payment in Quickbooks . It will also bring customer credit limits and account balances across from Quickbooks to AGG SMART so you can see ...
Quickbooks Online Credit Limits
AGG SMART can show customer credit limits when booking in a job. Quickbooks does not output the credit limit through its API, so we need a work around. So, if you update the customer's FAX number with the credit limit, then AGG SMART will use that as ...