How to Install/Update the AGG NAV Mobile App

How to Install/Update the AGG NAV Mobile App

The AGG SMART companion mobile app, AGG NAV, is now available on Google Play Store for Android devices. We recommend downloading and installing it from here as it will allow your drivers to automatically update to the latest version of the app, avoiding any issues that might come from running older versions. To do this, the drivers' devices will need to be signed in with a Google account, which is very easy to do on Android devices. 

BEFORE PROCEEDING, please make sure that you log out of the AGG NAV app if you already have it installed. There are already help articles on how to log a driver out using AGG SMART, and the in-app log out process is shown in this article on changing vehicles.

Once you are logged out from AGG NAV and connected with a Google account, you will be able to access the Google Play store. In the search bar at the top of the page, enter "agg nav" and hit search.

When the search results are shown, our app, AGG NAV by AGG SMART, should show at the top. The button next to it will either say Update, Open, or Install. If it says Install, press that button and skip the next couple of sections of this guide. If it says Update or Open, this means you have a non-Google Play version already installed. Press elsewhere on the AGG NAV search result to enter the AGG NAV store page.

From here, press Uninstall. This process should only take a couple of seconds to complete. Once it has done so, you will see an option to Install. 

Press this to install the latest version of AGG NAV, and receive automatic updates via Google Play. 

Alternatively, the app can be downloaded as an APK file from This link will always download the latest version of the app, but new versions will need to be manually downloaded and installed by the driver.  

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